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产品型号:Fortress-3015(检测宽度300mm 检测高度150mm)
Fortress Technology began in 1996; believing that through superior product design and engineering, the production of higher quality equipment with better sensitivities could be achieved. The phenomenal market response to our Fortress Phantom line of metal detectors validated that belief and the philosophy on which it is based; simple operation, outstanding reliability, and exceptional performance.
Fortress metal detectors have always been engineered with a Never Obsolete Commitment. Our latest technology can quickly and economically be field installed in a detector built over 20 years ago. Fortress metal detectors will always be supported with parts, software upgrades and a global service team for the life of the detector, so you stay up to date with food safety initiatives without having to purchase a new detector.
Fortress Technology is the only Metal Detector Manufacturer that, since our inception, custom manufactures our equipment and software, to suit a customers’ needs, applications and specifications to ensure optimal metal detection with a high ROI. We are renowned in the industry for superior performance and sustainability, our equipment is used widely in various industries all over the world. A global enterprise, we have manufacturing offices in Canada, the UK, and Brazil serving our worldwide distributors.
We have absolute confidence in our products; if they do not perform as anticipated, we will work with you to rectify the situation or provide a full refund.
现实中金属的种类繁多,对于不同种类的金属,金检机的检测灵 敏度是不相同的。据检测难易程度和金检机原理,我们倾向于将所有金 属分类两大类,磁性金属和非磁性金属,磁性金属函括铁、钴、镍元素 为代表的合金材质金属,其它的都为非磁性金属,由于函括范围较大, 如铜,铝,合金,不锈钢 等等。所以通常采用信号最强的铜(非铁)和最 弱的不锈钢(304/316)做为检测标准,固通常需要检测三种类型:
铁金属(Fe): 可以很容易被磁铁吸引的金属,例如纯铁。这类金属通常是在食品制 作中最常见的异物,而且最容易被金属检测机检测,所以其灵敏度是最 高。
非铁金属(Non-Fe): 高导电的非磁性金属,例如铜,铝,金,银,黄铜等)。 当被检测的产品是属于干货时,其灵敏度会接近可被检出的铁金属的尺寸。 如果产品是属于湿货时,其灵敏 度会低于铁金属, 可检出的非铁金属尺寸会比铁金属的尺寸大至少 50%。
不锈钢(SUS): 300 系列不锈钢,例如 304,316。根据金属检测的定义及技术,而且不锈 钢拥有较低的导电性和磁导率,所以不锈钢的灵敏度是所有常见的金属中最 低的。 当被检测的产品是属于干货时,不锈钢球的尺寸需要比铁金属的尺寸大 50%,才可产生相同的信号。 但当产品是属于湿货时,不锈钢球的尺寸需要比铁金属的尺寸大 100 至 200%,才可产生相同的信号
Guangdong Lianzhixin Metal Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.
Add:No. 118, Building 2, No. 76, Baiye Road, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
手機(jī)Mobile:13723581296 李生 / 13751381190 陳生